Thursday, March 5, 2015

Psychology: Unit III Motivation & Emotion


  • psychological process that directs and maintains your behavior towards a goal
  • propel or drive people in certain directions 
  • instinct theory: we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors
Biological Motives
  • hunger, thirst, sex, and sleep
Social Motives
  • achievement, play, autonomy, order, and affiliation
Drive Reducing Theory
  • biological internal motivation
  • homeostasis
Incentive Theory
  • environmental motivation
  • no homeostasis
Drive Reducing Theory
  • need for food, leads to hunger, which leads to a person eating
Biological Basis for hunger
  • hunger does not come from stomach
  • hunger comes from the brain (hypothalamus)
Why hungry?
  • Glucose: form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides major source of energy for body tissues 
  • low glucose means you are hunger and high glucose means you are full
Body Chemistry
  • Glucose is the hormone insulin converts glucose to fat
Lateral Hypothalamus
  • when stimulated it makes you hungry
  • when lesioned (destroyed) you won't be hungry
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
  • when stimulated you feel full
  • when lesioned you won't feel full again
Hunger Environment Factors
  1. availability of food
  2. learned preferences and habits
  3. stress
Set Point Theory
  • Hypothalamus acts like a thermostat
  • wants to maintain a stable weight
  • activate Lateral Hypothalamus when you diet and activate the Ventromedial Hypothalamus when you start to gain weight

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