Saturday, March 28, 2015

Macroeconomics Unit IV: Tools of Monetary Policy


  • buy bonds which increase money supply, decrease discount rate and reserve requirement

  • sell bonds which decrease money supply, increase discount rate and reserve requirement 

Fiscal Policy
  • President and Congress
  • tax or spend

Monetary Policy
  • FED (Federal Reserve Requirement
  • open Market Operations
  • discount rate
  • federal fund rate
  • reserve requirements

Discount Rate
  • interest rate that the Fed charges commercial banks for borrowing money

Reserve Requirement
  • amount of money banks are required to hold
  • fraction of money must keep in reserves
  • Why is it low? Banks can loan out more money

Federal Fund Rate
  • interest rate that commercial banks charge one another for an overnight loan

Prime Rate
  • interest rate that banks charge their most credit worthy customer

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I really like the organization and how straight to the point each category is although expanding a little bit more about the policies would allow a better comprehension of it.
