Sunday, May 17, 2015

Psychology Unit VI: Stages of Sleep


Stage One
  • kind of awake and asleep
  • a few minutes
  • eyes roll slightly
  • brain produces Theta waves
Stage Two
  • "baseline" of sleep
  • part of a 90 minute cycle and occupies about 45 - 60% of sleep
  • more Theta waves get progressively slower
  • begin to show sleep spindles
Stages Three to Four 
  • slow wave sleep
  • produce Delta waves
  • if awoken, can be groggy
  • may last 15 - 30 minutes 
  • "Delta" sleep is deepest stage of sleep
  • restore body's growth hormones and good health
Stage Five REM Sleep
  • Rapid Eye Movement
  • called Paradoxical Sleep
  • brain is active
  • dreams occur
  • body is essentially paralyzed 
  • composes about 20 - 25% of a normal night's sleep
  • quicken breathing, heart rate, and brain waves
  • vivid dreams can occur
  • from REM sleep, you go back to Stage Two

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