- our spoken, written, or gestured words
- the way we combine them to communicate meaning
- in a language, the smallest unit that carries meaning
- word or parts of a word
- prefix or suffix
- set of rules by which we derive meaning in a language
- Babbling Stage: starting at 3 - 4 months, spontaneous sounds, not limited to phonemes of infant's household language
- One Word Stage: 1 - 2 years old, one word for big meanings
- Two Word Stage: at 2 years old, two words to communicate meanings - called telegraphic speech
- we can explain language development through social learning theory
- we acquire language too quickly for it to be learned
- "learning box" inside our heads that enable us to learn any human language
Whorf's Linguistic Relativity
- idea that language determines the way we think (not vice versa)
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