Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Psychology: Psychology's Perspectives



  • How the physical body and brain creates our emotions, memories, and sensory experiences.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy's constant fatigue is due to the tumor that has grown on her pancreas, which has affected insulin production in her body.

  • Focuses on Darwinism. We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy only dates tall men with IQ’s over 120 because she believes that those genes will ensure the future financial success of her children.

  • Focuses on our observable behaviors. Only cares about the behaviors that impair our living, and attempt to change them.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy’s good grades are tied to the fact that she gets paid $20 for each “A” that she earns.

  • Fathered by Sigmund Freud. Our behavior comes from unconscious drives.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy’s fondness for dating men that remind her of her father stems from the fact that her real father abandoned the family when she was a toddler, and she’s been unconsciously seeking a father-figure ever since.

  • Focuses on how we think.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy’s depression is based on the fact that she believes that the world hates her, and that people are always laughing at her behind her back.

  • How your culture affects your behavior.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy’s kindness at church, yet her rowdy behavior at rock concerts, can both be explained by the fact that each situation has a different set of expectations; her pastor expects quiet, while the band on stage calls for moshing.

  • Positive growth. Attempt to seek self-actualization.
Ex. Doctors believe that Amy’s positive attitude and carefree spirit are due in part to the fact that she is well fed, safe, loved, and enrolled in the best schools.

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