Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Psychology: Psychological Disorders


      Abnormal Psychology

  • A "harmful dysfunction" in which behavior is judged to be atypical (not normal). disturbing, and unjustifiable. 

      Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 

      (DSM IV)

  • Book of disorders.
  • Classifies disorders and describes their symptoms.
  • DOES NOT explain the causes or possible cures.


  • Distressing, but a person is still able to function in society and behave rationally.
  • Person loses contact with reality and experiences distorted perceptions.


  • Group of conditions where the primary symptoms are anxiety or defenses against anxiety.
  • Patient fears something awful will happen to them.
  • State of intense apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, or fear.
  • Person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread.
Ex. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
      Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded,
      public places like markets. 
      Macrophobia- Fear of long waits.
      Microphobia- Fear of small things.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Person is continuously tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal.
  • Person feels inadequate, oversensitive, cannot concentrate, and can have insomnia. 

Panic Disorder
  • Marked by one minute long episodes of intense dread in which a person can experience chest pains, choking, and frightening experiences.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Persistent unwanted thoughts (obsessions).
  • Causes someone to feel the need (compulsion) to engage in a particular action. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Flashbacks or nightmares following a person's involvement in or oberservation of an extremely stressful event.
  • Memories can cause anxiety.


  • Occurs when a person manifests a psychological problem through a physiological symptom.
Two Types:
  • Hypochondriasis: Frequent physical complaints for which medial doctors are unable to find a cause for.
  • Conversion: Report existence of severe physical problems with no biological reason.


  • Involve a disruption in the conscious process.
Three Types:
  • Psychogenic Amnesia: Person is unable to remember things with no physiological basis for disruption of memory.
  • Dissociative Fugue: People with Psychogenic Amnesia find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Person has several rather than one integrated personality. People whom had DID Commonly have a childhood of abuse or trauma.


  • Extreme or inappropriate emotion
Major Depression
  • Unhappy for two weeks without a cause
  • Common cold for psychological disorders

Dysthymic Disorder
  • Type of depression
  • Mild depression every day for at least two years
Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Experience of depression during winter months
  • Not based on temperature
  • Based on the amount of sunlight

Bipolar Disorder
  • Formally: Manic depression
  • Period of depression and manic episodes
  • Manic episodes involve feelings of high energy


  • Well established, maladaptive ways of behaving that negatively affect a person's ability to function.
  • Dominates personality
  • Lack of empathy
  • Little regard for other's feelings
  • View the world as hostile and only look out for themselves
  • Rely too much on the attention and help of others
  • Needs to be the center of attention

  • Unwarranted sense of self-importance
  • Think that they are the center of the universe


  • About 1 in every 100 people are diagnosed with schizophrenia
  • Disorganized thinking
  • Disturbed perceptions
  • Inappropriate emotions and actions
Disorganized Thinking
  • Thinking is fragmented, bizarre, and distorted with false beliefs
  • Comes from breakdown in selective attention (cannot filter out information)
  • False beliefs
  • Persecution 
  • Grandeur

Disturbed Perceptions
  • Hallucinations: sensory experiences without sensory stimulation
Inappropriate Emotions and Actions
  • Laugh at inappropriate times
  • Senseless, compulsive acts
  • Flat Effect: a reduction in emotion
  • Catatonia: Motionless wavy Flexibility
Positive vs. Negative Symptoms
  • Positive: Presence of inappropriate symptoms
  • Negative: Absence of appropriate symbols
Disorganized Schizophrenia
  • Disorganized speech or flat inappropriate emotion 
  • Imagine the worst
Paranoid Schizophrenia
  • Preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations
  • Someone is out to get me
Catatonic Schizophrenia
  • Parrot like repeating of another's speech and movement
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
  • Many varied symptoms
  • Includes all or some of the following: Disorganized, Paranoid, and Catatonic Schizophrenia

1 comment:

  1. I saw that you color-coordinated each definition, and you put each of them into each sub-category, and added pictures to give an example. A good idea would have been to add a video to go further into each disorder to give a better understanding of how each of them can be seen in a specific situation.
